Dr. Y’shua Yisrael BABA

The experiences in the physical world are made possible by our five senses, that is, our ability to see, touch, smell, taste, and hear. The five senses however have limited frequency spectrums that cannot process all available stimuli. For example, the human hearing frequency spectrum is 20 – 20,000 Hz. In light of this inherent limitation, the senses do not grasp the subtle and more substantial aspects of the creation. The total range of life encompasses two fields; one is relative, which means impermanent, and the other is an absolute or permeant field of being.

The relative world of our senses is the world of space and time, science, mathematics, and chemistry. The relative world is characterized by continuous change, whereas in contrast, the absolute field is non-changing. Moreover, from the unified fields theory of quantum physics, this unmanifest field is the cause and source of the infinite diversity in the relative creation.

For the purposes of this article, it is essential that the words religion and spirituality be defined and differentiated; they are often used interchangeably, however, in this article they are mutually exclusive and mean completely different things. The word religion references a belief in a controlling power which some ascribe as supremely important. Spirituality, on the other hand, is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit, or soul. Spirituality is structured within consciousness; the human mind is on the plane of spirituality. Religion pertains to belief and/ or theology.

Self-Reflection is a mental-spiritual discipline that systematically initiates vertical thinking; which takes the mind into the transcendent absolute field. Worship is an action that allows the mind to enter the subtle layers of creation, and the goal of worship is to become united with the object of worship. In meditation (worship) the repeated experience of transcending or going beyond the relative field into the absolute field of pure consciousness, cultures the physiology to eventually achieve a unique neurophysiological status; the simultaneous awareness of both the relative and absolute state of consciousness. This dual awareness is called; cosmic consciousness. In cosmic consciousness, deep inner silence is experienced along with activity, and yet separate from it. In cosmic consciousness self – awareness exists as separate from activity. The growth and ascendancy to cosmic consciousness fulfill the purpose of individual life in the relative field of diversity and change. Individual status is transformed into cosmic life where actions are no longer for personal gain; the action and needs are the behaviors of nature. Having reached the pinnacle of evolution, the actions of that individual produce a life-supporting effect in creation, thus serving evolution. A man or woman established in the all-time awareness of their cosmic nature has begun to live heaven on earth. With continued development cosmic consciousness develops into God-consciousness; a unique state where the two – levels that functioned independently begin to function in an integrated manner.

In God-consciousness, the sense of separation between the Self and activity is dissolved, and the duality which characterized cosmic consciousness is incorporated into the unity of God-consciousness. This integration on a physiologic level is characterized by a mental activity of super enhancement. The word super enhancement is applicable to every aspect of a physiologic activity, including the brain, intellect, senses, and emotions. The activity of devotion, love, and reverence in God-consciousness evolves into Unity consciousness; the summit of human evolution. Human life is a process of continuous growth into higher, more harmonious states of consciousness. There are seven states of consciousness; waking, dreaming, sleep, transcendental, cosmic consciousness, God-consciousness, and Unity consciousness. This knowledge is shared to inspire readers to investigate the arena of consciousness and engage in appropriate, evidence-based spiritual disciplines that will unfold their total potential.

The practical aspect of Dr. Yisrael’s Teachings is a Self-Reflection Technique. A simple technique that unfolds the inner potential of creative intelligence. Interested parties should contact him by e-mail:

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