Dr. Y’shua Yisrael

Man is made in the image and likeness of his Creator (Genesis 1:27). What does it mean to be made in the image of the Creator? Among all living creatures, man alone is endowed- like his Creator – with morality, reason, and free will. He can know and love God and hold spiritual communion with Him; and man, alone can guide his action through reason.  What is more, a man in his essential nature is a spiritual being as is the Creator. It is in this sense that the Torah describes Man as having been created in the image of likeness of G-d. However, in his lower undeveloped state man is ignorant of his authentic spiritual nature and identified with the features of his physical body, i.e., gender, ethnicity, color, sexual orientation, and assorted proclivities.

Identification with the body delimits man to only 50% of his total potential; his most superficial aspects. Subsequent to enslaving the Africans this country’s paramount preoccupation became “the color-line”. The impact of color preoccupation has resulted in a litany of xenophobic practices. The goal of this article is to heighten the reader’s sensitivity to the higher inner-Self of humanity; that eternal g-d aspect. My hope is that society will at last rise up from the stupors of fragmentation and disunity to the realization that God is One!

Going forward, it will be to every American advantage to commit to the ethical and moral challenge to up-root any racially divisive practice that thwarts the unification of this country! The recent conundrum sparked by the color of Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex is a classic example of the deep-seated preoccupation with color/ race. This niggle with color/race exists for several reasons: (1) Europeans constitute only one-third of the world’s six billion population, which makes them a minority on the planet; 2/3 of the world population are people of color. (2) Data from genetic studies show that black is dominant, while white is recessive. (3) Demographers predict that whites will be a minority in the United States by the year 2045.  These variables provoke a deep-seated fear of genetic annihilation among Whites; which I believe to be the root- cause of racism. However, this fear is justified only if racial Identity continues to be based on skin color. Skin color is only an aspect of human anatomy and physiology; pigmentation (color) is analogous to an outer garment; the soul constitutes the inner higher- Self”.

One of the greatest failures of education has been to introduce the student to himself; both student and teacher are ignorant of their inner infinite resource. Contemporary education has become nothing more than memorizing subject matter, the intelligence of the student is not increased by the process of education. The knowledge of inner Self is what is needed, without Self- awareness, the fabric and soul of America will waste away. God blew His breath into man’s nostrils and man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7). The body that one has depends on their incarnation objectives or life lessons. For example, the pigment of an African is darker because his environment necessitates the production of melanin for protection against ultra-violate sun rays in his indigenous environment. Moreover, because the African’s incarnation objective appertains to spirit; the melanin allows for a heightened emotive, intuitive awareness, and communication with the spirit. The human body is a necessary vehicle on earth but, it is the Soul (Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama) that is the life- force, and intelligence of man. Every soul has a name, when summoning the soul by its name the meaning of that name is activated causing it’s to manifest. For example, the name Michael means, “who is like El” (g-d) to summons the name Michael cause the qualities of G-D to manifest in the so-named.

There are appropriate and inappropriate names; Israelites are keenly aware of this which is why a naming ceremony is an important milestone. In light of the explanation above, it should be apparent that we are not our bodies. Rather, we are spiritual beings with a physical body. I am not a Blackman; Black is the color of my outer garment. (body). Likewise, a Caucasian’s garment is White his inner being is colorless; we are not these bodies we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Going forward, there must be a paradigm shift away from the concept of color to a consideration of one’s consciousness and character.  In order for society to live out the messianic promises, it must first wise up to a level commensurate with holiness. Heaven awaits us but we must first wise up before we will rise up!

The 21- century America requires a higher sense of collective-Self before it will ever be great again; because true greatness is based on the spirit. A change in definition will initiate a corresponding change in our collective thought, speech, and actions. A spiritual definition will serve to unify future generations and eliminate the preoccupation with color/race. Education should teach that the authentic Self is hidden behind the plethora of superficial biological differences; all differences are superficial, not real!

The purpose of the soul’s sojourn through this terrestrial plan on earth is to grow to become cognizant of unity consciousness, that is, the knowledge of the Oneness of the Creator and His creation; I am that, you are that all of this is that, there is nothing else but that, and that is true because God is One (Deuteronomy 6:4) Beneath the infinite diversity there is a single creative intelligence, every soul is an individualized aspect of that creative source. This is the highest wisdom that the soul can accrue as it ascends to the pinnacle of spirituality which is why I say” wise up to rise up”!

Dr. Yisrael offers an introductory Hebrew Reading Course. The aim is to become Torah Literate. Interested parties should leave their contact information in the designated space below.

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